We create Moments of Wonder™

Award-winning international baby products company that creates stimulating developmental toys and products which encourage babies ’growth and development.


Every Tiny Love® toy or product that we conceive is created with the 7 Developmental Wonders™ in mind. This is a comprehensive set of guidelines for various baby development milestones and a tool to help parents grow with their babies.

Language and Communication

Language and other forms of communication enable us to share our ideas, thoughts and feelings. This fascinating aspect of baby’s development includes various stages and stepping stones that transform a babbling baby into a talking toddler.

Fine Motor Skills

The skills related to the hand, palm and finger muscles as well as to the muscles surrounding the mouth and eyes. These muscles are in charge of the more delicate physical skills babies acquire.


Through our five senses, we receive information from our surroundings and process it with our cognitive skills. Our senses literally open the world up before us, bridging between self and reality and helping expand the scope of our understanding.

Gross Motor Skills

The skills related to the muscles of the arms, legs, feet and entire body. These muscles are responsible for the less delicate functions, like sitting, crawling, standing, walking and more.

Imagination & Creativity

Imagination is our ability to mentally produce images, ideas, thoughts and even feelings that don’t actually exist. Creativity is the process of transforming imagination into reality and the ability that allows babies and grownups to improvise and invent.

Emotional Intelligence

The skill that helps us identify, categorize and understand emotions. It is a significant part of development and an element that has a profound impact on baby’s understanding of people and self. EQ includes the social and emotional skills.

Where to buy?

You can find Tiny Love products at the following retailers

About Us

Award-winning international baby products company that creates stimulating developmental toys and products which encourage babies’ growth and development.

Who Are We?

We are a multiple award-winning global toy and baby products’ company that puts special emphasis on baby’s development. The company was founded in 1991 and our goal since then has been to create products that would support baby’s development from birth and offer smart solutions to parents’ genuine needs. Today, our products are available in more than 50 countries worldwide, helping babies and parents grow together and enjoy Moments of Wonder™.

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